
Independence Day Celebration


Our college campus’s Independence Day celebration is a beloved custom that upholds the values of solidarity and patriotism. The flag is ceremoniously raised at the start of the day to represent our commitment to the principles of sovereignty and freedom. After this moving moment, a notable guest or faculty member gives an energizing address outlining the significance of this historic day and promoting introspection on our country’s path towards progress and unity.

The campus comes alive with celebrations following the speech and flag-hoisting ceremony. As a sign of good cheer and unity, sweets are given to staff, faculty, and students alike. As everyone assembles for a range of sports and activities, the mood is brimming with excitement and pride. Everyone has the chance to take part in and experience the spirit of teamwork and competition, whether it is through traditional sports contests or exciting cultural events.

The celebrations carry on later in the day with cultural performances showcasing the depth and diversity of our shared history. Students celebrate the variety of our cultures programs.

A prayer session is held at the end of the day to express gratitude for the gifts bestowed upon our country and to ask for guidance regarding its future. We renew our commitment to preserving the values of justice, equality, and democracy that are the foundation of our country via prayers and reflections. Our college campus’s Independence Day celebration is more than simply a fun event; it’s a meaningful way for us to honor our country and its eternal spirit of unity in diversity.

Start Time

7:30 am

August 15, 2024

Finish Time

4:00 pm

December 15, 2024


College Campus, Garacharma. Port Blair.